Monday, February 05, 2007


Knitter's Update

I know it has been ages since I posted but if you ONLY KNEW how my real life was immitating some sort of soap opera over the past 6 months, then you would understand.

With that said, I will catch you up on my non-existent knitting.
  • I am still sticking to scarves. I haven't had the time to learn how to make all the other pretty and wonderful things I want to some additional accessories for these damned scarves I am making! So a scarf is all ya get right now.
  • "Pinky" is done. And while it is the best in knitting rows that I have done up until the scarf I am currently working on....Pinky has some issues with straightness and the such...but the lovely friend of mine to whom he now belongs does not mind one bit..he keeps her warm, being more functional than style...I will get this right yet!
  • I started another scarf, (the best one yet I think!) back in November of this year, but I have yet to finish it. THE CADD set in and I moved on to making a pillow and some jewelry. But now I am back to the knitting (out of a desperate need to concentrate on something OTHER than making websites that will calm my mind) and hopefully she will be ready for viewing soon.
So that is about it over in this neck of the woods. What abou

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Friday, June 23, 2006



My local craft store had DMC threads on sale for .50 each so I decided at some point I will do something with it, I bought several color coordinated threads, (hey! cant beat a deal). I figured that my ADD will probably carry over to my craftiness from time to time - CADD, (craft attention deficit disorder) and I will want to do something more than knit scarfs. I think I am going to make a pillow one day soon with a decorative front for my mom. We will see.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Project 2: "Pinky"

So here you have it....the beginnings of my next project. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am going to stick to scarves for right now until I am confident that I have mastered some of the basic knitting techniques via scarf making (or unless someone sends me a DVD with the knitting techniques so I can learn them faster-whichever comes first!). We will call it "pinky." If Pinky turns out to look half way decent, I MIGHT actually give her to the person who purchased the starting skein of this yard for me. I did not think that this yarn would make a pretty scarf at first, but now that I am getting into it, I see that it is quite delightful and would make a wonderful scarf for "S." Lets just hope that the finished products actually looks enough LIKE a scarf to present to her! Do normal knitters name their creations? Or am I the only idiots doing this? And if anyone actually READS this darn blog, can you guys share with me some of your "beginning knitter tips" and things that helped you along the way (that you wish someone would have told YOU about)? If I use any of them, I will be glad to give credit where credit is due! I am even thinking about making a post one day listing resources to my favorite tools and crafty items.